Computer Learning Solutions

Computers have tremendous potential for bringing together communities of learners and for facilitating the acquisition and application of knowledge. However, most educational programs have barely scratched the surface of their potential for accelerating and improving the learning process. FRONTIER21 works with schools and school systems to develop and implement solutions that maximize benefits from their investment in computers and computer networks.

Our staff provides the following comprehensive services to facilitate the adoption and use of computers in schools:

   circle03_darkblue.gif  Computer Network Design

         - Develop designs to meet current and future needs


   circle03_darkblue.gif  Computer Network Installation

         - Install computers, routers, cables, and network            software


   circle03_darkblue.gif  Webpage Design

         - For communication, data gathering and            advertising


   circle03_darkblue.gif  Computer IntraNet Design

         - For internal communication and data access


   circle03_darkblue.gif  Computer Skills Training

         - Individual and Group Training Available


   circle03_darkblue.gif  Computer-Based Learning Technologies

         - Collaborative and individual learning tools            selected to meet your goals             


Computer Projects

Arranged Temple University's Conference on Equity and Technology Literacy, and wrote white paper to ground the Conference discussion

Currently researching efforts to improve middle grade students' Internet research skills with Temple University's MAR*TEC Center

Network designed for a technology-     intensive high school with 400+     students

 Network designed and installed in a    10 person medical office

 Network designed and learning     software chosen for a high school     using primarily computer-assisted     learning

 Web page created for several                  charter schools.





  FRONTIER 21 Education Solutions  circle01_black.gif  304 Levering Mill Road  circle01_black.gif Bala Cynwyd, PA  circle01_black.gif 19004


PH  610-771-0108  circle01_black.gif FAX  610-771-0108  circle01_black.gif alexschuh@frontier21.net








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